Subseasonal Climate Forecasts:

Extending the Limits of Predictability

The subseasonal forecast range – 3 to 6 weeks in advance – is traditionally a “no man’s land” for predictability. The World Climate Service provides trustworthy analysis and forecast tools needed to overcome this challenge and succeed where others fail.

Subseasonal Climate Forecasts

Understand Confidence and Risk

Key Benefits

Subseasonal Climate Forecasts

  • Gain Insight with efficient, intuitive access to market-moving multi-model forecasts for weeks 2-6.

    • Includes access to a powerful and intuitive map interface for viewing skill-optimized model forecasts and analyzing their run-to-run evolution.

  • Save time with efficient, intuitive access to a comprehensive portal containing all the information necessary to analyze climate risk and variability.

    • Access includes subseasonal forecast models, analog-based tools, and climate index tracking and forecasts.

  • Support high value decisions confidently with calibrated probability forecasts.

    • World Climate Service techniques provide probability and skill information that allows users to measure confidence, manage risk appropriately, and develop valuable decision systems.

  • Understand evolving climate risks by tracking impacts of critical subseasonal climate drivers.

    • The World Climate Service provides tools to monitor, understand, and anticipate the key phenomena that affect subseasonal weather and climate.

World Climate Service


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