Trading Markets Application:
Unparalleled Insight
The World Climate Service Trading Markets application provides heating and cooling degree-day-focused (including gas-weighted and population weighted degree days) US energy market forecasts to support natural gas and power trading. The forecast lead times available extend into the subseasonal & seasonal range for both US electric power and EIA natural gas regions.
Key Benefits
World Climate Service
Trading Markets Application
Make confident trading decisions with unique WCS Trading Markets degree day (including GWDD and PWDD) forecasts and information. The forecast progression feature simplifies monitoring and tracking model forecast changes over time help to keep you ahead of the competition.
Our expertise in weather and climate data science, and subseasonal and seasonal forecasting is ingrained in every aspect of the product.
Save time with efficient, intuitive access to a comprehensive portal containing all the information necessary to analyze degree day impacts to power and gas prices.
Access includes extended range forecast models and our digital degree day data set, as well as a 2x per week written US energy market subseasonal forecast report.
- Convenient access is provided through both a web-based interface and a data API.
![desktop_TM World Climate Service Trading Markets Screen Shot](
Degree Day Forecast
Trading Markets Application
Web Portal Includes:
Population Weighted Heating and Cooling Degree Day Forecasts (PWDD)
Natural Gas Demand Weighted Heating and Cooling Degree Day Forecasts (GWDD)
Bias-corrected dynamical model forecasts
Including multi-model forecasts to improve accuracy -
Includes GEFS, CFSv2, and ECMWF models
- Degree-day forecasts, change of forecast from the last run, and forecast progression available
- Historical heating and cooling degree-day database provided at no additional cost
Discover how World Climate Service can be your primary source for reliable climate forecasting