
Although wintry conditions have been lingering across northern Europe and the northern USA, winter 2023-24 is largely in the rearview mirror for energy markets, and that’s a relief for many industry meteorologists. It was a very challenging winter for long-range prediction, with speculation and hype running rampant from the earliest…
What Is Weather Forecast Reliability?
Statistical Forecasts in Action
Winter Warmth and the AO (Arctic Oscillation)
Making Sense of Long Range Forecasts
Benefits of Success: World Climate Service in the USBR Forecast Rodeo
Ensemble Dynamical Forecast Model Calibration for Seasonal Climate Prediction
World Climate Service supports the UN FAO
Seasonal Forecasts – Who To Believe?
Upgrade to World Climate Service Subseasonal
Forecast Rodeo: World Climate Service Places First
NOAA SBIR PII Award To Develop Subseasonal Forecasts
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