Although wintry conditions have been lingering across northern Europe and the northern USA, winter 2023-24 is largely in the rearview mirror for energy markets, and that’s a relief for many industry meteorologists. It was a very challenging winter for long-range prediction, with speculation and hype running rampant from the earliest…
Challenging Winter Forecasts
Climatology Period and Analog Forecasting: Mind the Trend
Machine Learning in Weather Forecasting
NOAA Hurricane Outlook Skill
The East Atlantic – Western Russia Pattern: 4 Important Impacts
What is the Northeast Pacific Mode?
What is the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation?
The Difference Between Deterministic and Ensemble Forecasts
What is the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation?
Climate Indices: The #1 difference between Subseasonal and Seasonal
The Western Pacific Oscillation: 4 impacts that are good to know
4 Important Impacts of the Eastern Pacific Oscillation
What is the Madden-Julian Oscillation?
Introducing the Mysterious Stratospheric Polar Vortex
What is a Climate Index: 6 great things you need to know
Subseasonal Forecasting Skill
What is the Pacific North America Pattern?
What is a Probability Forecast?
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